Rabu, 13 April 2011


Heei. I don't wanna like this againn. I don't wanna talk to Ki~Chan again. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. Tell to him, i don't wnna talk to him again. Okay? Pls Araide, tell to him. I don't understand.. He never understand how much je l'aime. NEVER, gan. :'D hahaha, i don't knw wht i must do.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Quotes and Slogans on Earth Day
It’s your mother calling.DON’T KEEP HER ON HOLD
Love the earth: it’s the only one we’ve got.
Save the world, save yourself.
Learn to recycle and use your bicycle
Save Earth or Die!!!!!!!!!!!
The Earth is fine it is the people that are in trouble!
Treat the earth how you want the earth to treat you
Keep your surroundings clean make the earth green
If you don’t have faith, replace it with earth day!
Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature
Save Earth from Humans
One Earth,One Chance
Yesterday we smoked the green, today we keep it clean.
Go green or I’ll scream
Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.
Won’t anybody think about the children!
Green is the new black!!
Be nice to it. It’s the only one we have.
Don’t be mean, go green.
Don’t be so hollow, or civilization will be swallowed.
We’re the green team, not the mean team.
Take part in Earth Day, and in the future it will pay.
Turn off the lights before you perish.
Earth Day Is The World’s Birthday!
Love earth and earth will love you!!
A clean earth is a happy earth!
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.
Keep it GREEN, Keep it CLEAN!
Clean delhi green delhi
Meri dilli meri yamuna
n-e-v-e-r p-o-l-l-u-t-e.

kata mutiara tentang GO GREEN

Go through these beautiful Earth Day Quotes and rise to do your bit for the planet.

Every day is Earth Day.
~ Anonymous

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.
~ Marshall McLuhan, 1964

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.
~ Henry David Thoreau

There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.
~ Robert Orben

I'm not an environmentalist. I'm an Earth warrior.
~ Darryl Cherney, quoted in Smithsonian, April 1990

For 200 years we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death.
~ Tom McMillan, quoted in Francesca Lyman, The Greenhouse Trap, 1990

"We owe our lives to the sun... How is it, then, that we feel no gratitude?"
~ Lewis Thomas, Earth Ethics, Summer 1990.

Man must feel the earth to know himself and recognize his values.... God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Reader's Digest, July 1972

Humanity is on the march, earth itself is left behind.
~ David Ehrenfeld, The Arrogance of Humanism, 1978

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

Our modern industrial economy takes a mountain covered with trees, lakes, and running streams and transforms it into a mountain of junk, garbage, slime pits, and debris.
~ Edward Abbey

"I really wonder what gives us the right to wreck this poor planet of ours."
~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
~ John Muir

"What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"
~ Henry David Thoreau

"The materials of wealth are in the earth, in the seas, and in their natural and unaided productions."
~ Daniel Webster

"... do something. Pay your rent for the privilege of living on this beautiful, blue-green, living Earth."
~ Dave Foreman

For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature. Now we’re beating it to death.
~ Tom McMillan

There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.
~ Brooke Medicine Eagle

"It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members and to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live."
~ Dalai Lama

"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard."
~ Gaylord Nelson, former governor of Wisconsin.

salinan dari website WWF indonesia untuk lomba speech

Jakarta (27/03)-Kampanye global untuk perubahan iklim Earth Hour yang tahun ini digelar pada Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011 terbukti efektif menurunkan penggunaan listrik secara signifikan. 30 menit pasca pemadaman, yakni pada pukul 21.00, data PLN menyebutkan, aksi mematikan lampu secara bersamaan itu berhasil menghemat energi listrik se Jawa-Bali hingga 600 MW. Angka ini meningkat dibandingkan Earth Hour 2010 yang menurunkan penggunaan listrik sebesar 120 MW.

Fakta menggembirakan tersebut disampaikan Gubernur DKI Jakarta sekaligus Duta Earth Hour Indonesia, Fauzi Bowo pada puncak peringatan Earth Hour, Sabtu (26/03), di Balaikota. Menurutnya, dari angka penghematan listrik di sistem Jawa-Bali tersebut, kontribusi terbesar diperoleh dari Jakarta yang mengalami penurunan beban listrik lebih dari 170 MW. Pencapaian tahun ini meningkat dibandingkan Earth Hour 2010 yang berhasil menurunkan beban listrik Jakarta sebesar 80 MW dan 50 MW pada Earth Hour 2009.

“Ini merupakan suatu achievement yang luar biasa. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran kita meningkat. Namun,kita masih harus kerja keras lagi untuk memperbaiki prestasi kita pada kesempatan Earth Hour berikutnya. Mudah-mudahan kita berhasil menjadikan event ini sebagai awal dari gaya hidup baru yang hemat energi, ”imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, menurut siaran pers yang dirilis PLN sehari pasca Earth Hour 2011, total penghematan yang dicapai ketika pemadamaan serempak Sabtu lalu mencapai 700 MW. Beban listrik Jawa-Bali turun sekitar 600 MW dan Sumatra turun sekitar 100 MW. Jika dikonversi ke rupiah, hasil penghematan energi tersebut mencapai 1,4 miliar rupiah.

Meningkatnya angka efisiensi energi tahun ini tidak lepas dari kontribusi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai tuan rumah Earth Hour 2011 serta keterlibatan lima kota besar lainnya yakni Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Makassar. Bahkan diperkirakan ribuan individu yang terdiri dari suporter dan volunteer WWF-Indonesia serta kelompok komunitas di seluruh tanah air secara swadaya menggelar aksi kreatif sebagai bentuk dukungan mereka terhadap kampanye hemat energi tersebut.

Tentang WWF
WWF-Indonesia merupakan yayasan independen yang terdaftar sesuai hukum Indonesia. Dikelola oleh Dewan Penyantun yang terdiri dari Dewan Penasihat, Dewan Pengawas dan Dewan Pelaksana. Dewan ini berfungsi sebagai lembaga penentu arahan strategis dan kredibilitas WWF-Indonesia. Para anggota dewan berbagi tanggung jawab secara kelembagaan melalui komite operasional. Dua komite yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan adalah Komite Pendanaan dan Investasi serta Komite Program.
Kantor Sekretariat Nasional WWF-Indonesia berada di Jakarta. Perannya memimpin dan berkoordinasi dengan 24 kantor WWF-Indonesia yang tersebar di seluruh negeri. Kantor Sekretariat mengembangkan kebijakan dan prioritas, membantu pertukaran pembelajaran antar kantor, melakukan koordinasi untuk kampanye nasional, memberikan bantuan teknis dan pengembangan kapasitas, serta memberikan dukungan agar kegiatan ditingkat nasional berjalan dengan lancar. Kantor Sekretariat Nasional juga menjaga agar upaya WWF-Indonesia selaras dengan Global WWF Network.

WWF-Indonesia memiliki sejumlah kantor lapangan (Field Office). Dua dari Kantor lapangan ini, melakukan koordinasi untuk kegiatan dan program di lokasi konservasi. Kantor Lapangan Jayapura merupakan kantor terbesar yang ada dipimpin oleh Benja Mambai. Kantor ini mengkoordinasi seluruh kegiatan WWF-Indonesia di Papua dan Irian Jaya bagian Barat. Kantor Lapangan Mataram, melakukan koordinasi bagi kerja WWF-Indonesia di wilayah Nusa Tenggara.

Kantor lapangan tersebut melakukan upaya pelestarian di tingkat lokal. Kami bekerja sama dengan pemerintah lokal, melalui kegiatan proyek praktis di lapangan, penelitian ilmiah, memberi masukan untuk kebijakan lingkungan, mempromosikan pendidikan lingkungan, memperkuat komunitas, dan meningkatkan kesadaran publik terhadap isu lingkungan.

WWF-Indonesia merupakan bagian independen dari jaringan dari WWF dan afiliasinya, organisasi pelestarian global yang bekerja di 100 negara di dunia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang visi global, sejarah dan keterlibatan kami selama ini untuk mencapai mimpi pelestarian kami yaitu mewujudkan dunia dimana manusia dapat hidup selaras dengan alam klik di sini.

Tersangka penadah Harimau ditangkap di Sumatera Barat
Posted on 11 March 2011 | en id

© WWF-Indonesia/Erizal

Petugas SPORC, BKSDA menemukan kulit harimau jantan sepanjang 170 cm di rumah tersangka

11 Maret 2011

Pekanbaru (11/03)-- Seorang tersangka penadah dan penyelundup harimau tertangkap tangan di Sumatera Barat oleh tim dari BBKSDA Riau dan BKSDA Sumatera Barat setelah dilakukan penyelidikan selama tiga hari dengan dukungan dari Tiger Protection Unit (TPU) WWF-Indonesia. Dari penangkapan ini disita selembar kulit harimau jantan dewasa dengan panjang 170 cm yang dipercaya hasil buruan dengan diracun dari atau dekat Suaka Margasatwa Rimbang Baling, Kabupaten Kampar di Provinsi Riau.

Pada tanggal 28 Februari 2011, TPU menerima laporan bahwa seekor harimau telah diracun di dekat Cagar Alam Rimbang Baling. TPU bersama BKSDA Riau kemudian melakukan pengintaian di kawasan tersebut selama dua hari.

“Tujuan kami tidak hanya mendukung pemerintah untuk menangkap pemburu lokal, tetapi kami juga ingin membantu melacak perdagangan harimau ke pelaku yang lebih tinggi dalam jaringan perdagangan ilegal ini,” ujar Chairul Saleh, Koordinator Konservasi WWF-Indonesia. “Kami ingin membantu pemerintah memutuskan mata rantai penyelundupan harimau yang turut membinasakan populasi harimau Sumatera ini oleh karena itu jaringan yang lebih tinggi harus dicari”.

Kurir yang diduga membawa selembar kulit harimau dan tulang-tulang harimau ini dibuntuti oleh tim BBKSDA dari Riau menuju perbatasan Sumatera Barat. Di Balung- Pangkalan (perbatasan Riau-Sumatera Barat) tersangka penadah harimau berinisial FN menjemput kulit harimau tersebut. BKSDA Sumatera Barat dikontak untuk membantu operasi ini.
Tersangka penadah ini kemudian dibekuk di rumahnya di Payakumbuh setelah tim mengikutinya dari Balung. Awalnya, tersangka menyangkal menyimpan kulit harimau namun salah satu anggota Tiger Protection Unit (unit anti perburuan dan perdagangan harimau kerjasama WWF-BBKSDA Riau) mendeteksi bau bahan kimia yang sering digunakan untuk mengawetkan kulit harimau dan berhasil menemukan lokasi penyimpanan kulit. Namun tulang harimau, yang biasanya bernilai tinggi di pasar gelap biasanya digunakan untuk pengobatan tradisional, tidak ditemukan.

Saat ini tersangka ditahan di Kantor Kepolisian Resor Payakumbuh , Sumatera Barat. Sebuah mobil minivan yang digunakan tersangka disita sebagai barang bukti. Sementara itu, beberapa satwa lain juga ditemukan di rumahtersangka termasuk seekor ular phyton hidup dan bagian-bagian tubuh serrow (kambing gunung) dan muncak.

Kurnia Rauf , Kepala BBKSDA Riau mengatakan,”Kami memperkirakan tersangka ini memiliki jaringan luas di dunia perdagangan satwa liar di Sumatera oleh karena itu kami berharap penegakan hukum terhadap kasus ini dapat berjalan cepat”.

Kurnia juga menambahkan,”Kami siap membantu memberikan data pendukung untuk penegakan hukum kasus ini dan berharap pelaku mendapatkan sangsi hukum maksimal untuk memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku kejahatan perdangan satwa liar lainnya”.

“Tim BKSDA di Riau dan Sumatera Barat patut mendapatkan apresiasi atas keberhasilannya menjalankan operasi yang berhasil menangkap tersangka tanpa melibatkan kekerasan pada tanggal 3 Maret lalu,” ujar Suhandri Program Manager WWF-Indonesia Program Riau. “WWF sangat mendesak penegak hukum di Sumatera Barat untuk menyikapi kasus ini secara serius dan menjatuhkan hukuman yang maksimal kepada pelaku. Harimau Sumatera sangat terancam punah dan perburuan merupakan salah satu ancaman tertinggi bagi satwa tersebut.”
Pemerintah Indonesia, bersama dengan 12 negara yang masih mempunyai harimau di alam, berkomitmen di St. Petersburg Russia bulan November 2010 lalu untuk meningkatkan jumlah harimau Sumatera dua kali lipat dalam 12 tahun mendatang. Menurut Kurnia Rauf, sebagai tindak lanjut dari komitmen bersama tersebut, Dirjen PHKA-Kementerian Kehutanan berkomitmen mengurangi ancaman terhadap populasi harimau Sumatera melalui penegakan hukum untuk menghentikan perburuan dan perdagangan harimau Sumatera. Selain itu Kementerian Kehutanan juga melakukan pembinaan populasi di habitat alaminya bekerjasama dengan mitra dalam rangka meningkatkan populasi harimau Sumatera 3% per tahun untuk mendukung Rencana Strategis Konservasi Harimau Sumatera 2007-2017.
Bicara tentang kata "KONSERVASI" berarti bicara tentang arti kata "pemulihan". Dalam kajian sebab dan akibat pemulihan berarti melakukan sebuah aktivitas pasca setelah munculnya sebuah dampak akan aktivitas tersebut.
Kabupaten Ende sebagai Kabupaten yang sedang membangun tentunya memiliki beragam aktivitas fisik baik itu dalam persoalan pembangunan prasarana maupun sarana. Dalam analisis matriks dampak, besarnya wilayah persebaran dampak dapat diukur berdasarkann sejauh mana aktivitas dimaksud menimbulkan perubahan, baik itu perubahan lingkungan sosial masyarakat maupun perubahan lingkungan.
Menilik daerah Kampung Rate, kelurahan Paupanda, kecamatan Ende Selatan bahwa sekitar tahun 1980 kawasan pesisir membentang selebar 100 meter. Diukur dari garis tepi pantai (bibir pantai) dengan keanekaragaman hayati laut maupun kehidupan komunitas masyarakat pesisr nelayan lengkap dengan prasarana dan sarana penghubung (jalan dll).
Jeda waktu antara 1980 - 2000, kawasan pesisir ini telah berkurang selebar 80 meter dan tersisa 20 meter. Menyisakan bangunan-bangunan rumah penduduk yang masih bertahan, karena sebagian penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan 80 meter itu telah beralih tempat mengungsi ketempat yang lebih tinggi.
Lantas....apa penyebabnya ?
Melalui wawancara dan pengukuran rona lingkungan oleh GERDAPALA, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa kawasan tersebut telah terkikis oleh abrasi gelombang laut yang datang dari arah selatan. Gelombang laut ini tidak tertahankan akibat ulah sebagian masyarakat yang meng"eksploitasi" batu-batu pantai untuk dijadikan material bangunan untuk dijual ke kota.
Sungguh sangat disayangkan, ketika pembangunan berjalan dengan sukses ternyata membawa dampak negatif terhadap keseimbangan alam. Lantas kalau keseimbangan alam ini tidak terjaga, siapa juga yang rugi dan merasakan dampaknya langsung. Ternyata.....masyarakat jugalah yang kembali merasakan akibatnya.
Ini hanyalah sedikit kasus dari beragam kasus pembangunan fisik terhadap dampak ketidakseimbangan alam. Banyak hal yang harus diangkat dan diingatkan kepada semua STAKE HOLDERS untuk mari peduli terhadap alam.
Bagaimana caranya ?
Upaya-upaya pelestarian harus dilakukan dalam wacana membangun kembali lingkungan fisik alam. Metode yang paling tepat adalah KONSERVASI. Karena dengan konservasi ada unsur sustainable (berkelanjutan). Semisal bahwa batu karang yang telah hilang/punah yang notabene sebagai tembok penahan alami pantai yang nelindungi permukiman penduduk tidak bisa dikembalikan habitatnya dalam tempo 1 atau 2 tahun saja. tetapi butuh waktu panjang dan ketelatenan.
Oleh karena itu, mari kita mengajak kepada semua pihak, bahwa didalam penyusunan rencana kegiatan fisik prasarana maupun sarana hendaknya dimasukan item pekerjaan/kegiatan KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN. Real-nya adalah bisa dalam bentuk pennaman pohon waru sepanjang pantai ataupun sosialisasi tentang kesadaran akan pelestarian alam kepada masyarakat.
Pemuda dan konservasi
Butuh tenaga-tenaga muda yang bersemangat sebagai penggerak kegiatan lingkungan. Bahwa seluruh stake holders sudah dapat memikirkan upaya pembinaan tentang lingkungan di sekolah-sekolah dan organisasi pelaksana pembangunan. Kalau bukan generasi muda, siapa lagi yang mampu menjaga alam dan lingkungan ini khususnya di Kabupaten Ende tercinta....dari kepunahan......?

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

the truth

jujur... saya pengen... banget nyatain perasaan saya ke dia.. tapi rasanya
susah banget.. aku takut ada yang ngambil dia, takut banget! ya mau gimana
lagi coba..?

tadi di kelas aku sibuk bilang "eh.. pacar bohongan saya suka k-on! loh"
pacar darimana coba? aku terlalu berharap untuk menjadi pacarnya
aku sayang dia, lebih dari sebagai sahabat. i love you more than as a
bestfriend, ki-chan.. i love you as a boyfriend. since first we make a
friendship... I <3 you my dear bestfriend, too over! you overheat me,
with your love ... i love your smile, your sounds make my heart feel as
wanna to get out from my abdomen. "blup-blup" says my heart! i wanna
be your boy if you're a gay boy. i wanna be your girl if you're a hetero
boy. whatever like what they say. LOOK AT MY HEART, KI-CHAN!

If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's a destiny
The best things in life
They're free

But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide

Say thet and i'll come for you, Ki-chan. as your bestfriend, i'll always
beside you though the street far as million miles. cuz you are my bestfriend
and the boy who i love. ta-taa :*

Every night it’s all the same
You’re frozen by the phone
You wait, something’s changed
You blame yourself every day
You’d do it again
Every night

There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love

waktu pada sholat ashar (kan aku lagi haid jadi gak sholat) aku malah nulis
Nita <3 DFP

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


Today is so much surprised. Me and Dhilah talking gain yay. I don't knw why i became a 'good friend' to NN. I don't say anything to Ki-chan. I'm afraid if i'll losing him, he's alternate.. BUT I LOVED HIM, too much? When i talked to him at rest time (he started first the conversation), senior student, kak bla-bla-bla, leader of and member of , annoy me with say "ehm ehm cie" UH-HUH? JUST SAY TO ME YOU'RE JEALOUS! Just asking to Ki-chan, nt me! If you thought i'm loving him or i'm his gf, just ask to me! I'm nt in relationship to him! :( only love *piip* a.k.a KI-CHAN! XD

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

sadar sih saya itu suka sama kamu

friday, march 4th 2011

DHILAH KESEPIAAN!!! Anzu gak masuk sekolah, ya sudahlah.... dia pakai acara gambar "cowok yang menyodorkan tangannya kepada seorang cewek"... Oh My, aku dan Rani jadi geli sekaligus terpesonaa.... <3_<3 aaaayayayayayayyayayyaaaa.... oh ya Anzu gak masuk sekolah karena dia ada urusan ke Malang, tau tuh napa

tadi sekitar jam setengah delapanan aku nelpon Araide a.k.a johnny depp... alias kak bla-bla-bla gyahahahhahaahha (yang suka saya gangguin dengan menyita waktunya dengan menelponnya sampai pulsa saya habis)
aku bodoh banget, pakai acara nanyain,"sekarang setelah kak "itu" siapa lagi?" malu aku... tapi kenapa dia gak pernah SADAR BAHWA SAYA ITU SUKA SAMA DIA?!!! KENAPA SIH?! KAPAN SADARNYA COBA? RASANYA PENGEN NANGIS TAU, LIHAT KAYAK GINI, MONSTER YANG "AKU SAYANGI DENGAN SEPENUH HATI" TIDAK MENGETAHUI BAHWA LAWAN BICARANYA SEDANG JATUH CINTA PADANYA? KAPAN SIH DIA BISA SADAR DARI AMNESIANYA BAHWA SAYA ITU SAHABATNYA, YANG MENYUKAINYA! Araide, kapan sih kamu bisa sadar? tau gak, waktu kamu nembak kak "itu" di depan kelasmu dan kelasnya, aku hampir mau nangis tau!! rabu yang kelam.... T^T why??

i just a robot in where you are the creator. like Len and Rin :'(


A robot was built by a lonely scientist,
When his work was done, it was known as a “miracle”

But something was missing, there was one thing he couldn’t do,
and that was the program called a “heart”

Many years passed,
and the miracle robot that had been left all alone,
made a single wish:

Give me the “heart”, that that person,
The person I’ve always wanted to know,
made for me, until the very end of his life.

Now that that miracle has started to occur,
Why, why won’t my tears stop flowing….?
Why am I shaking? What are these beats inside me?
Is this the “heart” that I wished for?

Mysterious heart, mysterious feelings,
All the joys I had come to know,
Mysterious heart, mysterious feelings,
All the depressing things I had come to know,
Mysterious heart, mysterious feelings,
They all seem so deeply painful…

Now I’m beginning to understand the reason I was born,
Being alone must truly be depressing,
Yes, on that day, at that time,
All the feelings that had dwelled in my memories flowed out of my heart.

But now, I can say these words for real,
to you, my creator, who dedicated his life to me,

Thank you… for bringing me into this world.
Thank you… for the days you spent with me.
Thank you… for everything you’ve given me
Thank you… I will sing for eternity.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

siapa namamu

tadi ada kejadian baru! ternyataaaa waktu pelajaran PAI,(pelajarn PAI kan di aula, so... harus ke lantai 3 dan melewati kelasnya Araide, waktu itu kelasya Araide lagi pelajaran tahfidz) kan disuruh ke perpus, kata dhilah en rani, waktu saya ke perpus sama fajar akmal and ningrum, saya tahu di perpus ada anak2 kelasnya araide... eh dhilah bilang pas saya dateng en masuk perpus, araide langsung kabur ke tempat kompi di perpus... OMG pas aku keluar, si Araide langsung keluar terus balik ke kelas.. so?

*piip* gak masuk eskul komputerr!! sedih saya, kesepian banget.............

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

fuwa fuwa time with translate

KIMI wo miteru to itsumo HAATO DOKIDOKI
yureru omoi wa MASHUMARO mitai ni fuwafuwa
itsumo ganbaru (itsumo ganbaru) KIMI no yokogao (KIMI no yokogao)
zutto mitete mo ki'zukanai yo ne
yume no naka nara (yume no naka nara)
futari no kyori chijimerareru no ni na
Whenever I look at you, my heart throbs wildly
This shaky feeling is fluffy like marshmallow
You're always so hardworking, you never notice me
Watching your face so intently
And only in my dreams can we ever
Get close to each other
aa KAMI-SAMA onegai
futari dake no Dream Time kudasai
o-ki ni iri no usa-chan daite kon'ya mo OYASUMI
Ah, God please
Grant us some Dreamy Time, just the two of us together
I go cuddle my fave bunny plushie and say goodnight
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)
futo shita shigusa ni kyou mo HAATO ZUKIZUKI
sarige na egao wo fukayomi shisugite Overheat!
itsuka me ni shita (itsuka me ni shita) KIMI no MAJIkao (KIMI no MAJIkao)
hitomi tojite mo ukande kuru yo
yume de ii kara (yume de ii kara)
futari dake no Sweet Time hoshii no
And again today, just being your casual self makes me squee
Just reading too much into your simple smile, I overheat!
Your serious face that I've seen soon enough
Comes into view everytime I close my eyes
I really want the two of us to have some Sweet Time together
Though that may only happen in my dreams!
aa KAMI-SAMA doushite
suki ni naru hodo Dream Night setsunai no
totteoki no kuma-chan dashita shi kon'ya wa daijoubu ka na?
Ah, My Lord, why does
This Dreamy Night aches me so much that I'm starting to like it
I already took out my special Mr. Bear will I be fine?
mo sukoshi yuuki furutte
shizen ni hanaseba
nanika ga kawaru no ka na?
sonna ki suru kedo
If I can just have some courage
And try to speak to you naturally
Would anything change?
Yeah I think so...
dakedo sore ga ichiban muzukashii no yo
hanashi no kikkake to ka doushiyo
te ka dandori kangaeteru jiten de zenzen shizen ja nai yo ne
aa mou ii ya nechao nechao nechao---! (sou! nechao~)
But dat's da biggest problem, ya see.
'Cuz then I'll need to think of a topic of conversation!
And it ain't gonna be natural fo me to do that in da first place...
Ahh, that's enough! Sleep sleep sleep!!! (Yea~! Let's sleep~)
aa KAMI-SAMA onegai
ichido dake no Miracle Time kudasai!
moshi sunnari hanasereba sono ato wa... dou ni ka naru yo ne
Ah, God please
Grant me some Miracle Time, just once!
When I finally get that chance to talk to you then afterwards... we'll see
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
fuwafuwa TAIMU (fuwafuwa TAIMU)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)
Fluffy time~ (Fluffy time)

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

fevrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr monthhhh!!

`lagi males nulis boooooss`~

Rabu, 17 November 2010

mixing text *some text missing* hehehehehe

sunday, july 8th 2010
cilegon (GMT+07:00)-14:35 PM-
london (GMT+greenwich mean time)-8:37 AM-

wake up, Mica...
open your eyes
wash your face
brush your teeth
eat your toast

mica, next time again, maybe, yeah ;-)

now, october 2nd 2010 8:35 pm

besok senin UTS
sebel ya iyalah, abis aku sebeel banget sama yang namanya ujian a.k.a ulangan!
tapi aku senang kalau ketemu mikan :-) i really loving him yaaaa
tapi, (ada tapinya nih) aku putuskan untuk menjauh dari caspoly....
setelah tiga tahun menunggu... no answer... lagian dia sudah punya pacar..
yaahhh, kak setanrat..
aku pengan thanks banget sama dila dan indah yang udah bantuin aku.. thanks GOD thanks ALL... :'-)

Je t'aime tellement ... même si vous l'aimez, je n'aime pas!
Je vous attend à Sainte-Sophie, je l'espère

the day when my heart be killed and die cause a man who i love a.k.a caspoly
Friday,July 2nd 2010

I know that we are young.
And I know you may love me.
But I just can't be with you like this anymore.

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that i will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear its true

If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind
If only you could heal my heart just one more time
Even when I close my eyes
There's an image of your face
And once again I come I'll relise
You're a loss I can't replace

I am afraid
I lose my way
And it’s not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that’s weakness in your eyes
I’m forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can’t possibly break
When it wasn’t even whole to start with

Trying to be ordinary
Was it me who was the fool?
Thought you found the man you wanted
until you turn him into something new

When the pain won't go away,
put your finger on the trigger,

But you never let me fall
Push my back against the wall
Every time you call
You get so emotional
Oh, I'm freakin' out

By the time I'm dreaming
and you've crept out on me sleeping
I'm busy in the blissful unaware
By the time I'm dreaming
and you've crept out on me sleeping
tell me how am I supposed to care

Don't wake up, won't wake up, can't wake up,
no, don't wake me up
Don't wake up, won't wake up, can't wake up,
no, don't wake me up

Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?

Truth be told
My problems solved
You mean the world to me
But you'll never know
You could be cruel to me
While we're risking the way
That I see you

Sunday, August 8th 2010
by songs of alejandro, fall for you, soledad, bacause of you, grace kelly, etc :)

saturday night, october 2nd 2010 8:00 PM (GMT+07:00)

dila anzu aku mikan? huuhhh... ooohh.. bagus deeeehhh...
AKU PATAH HATI........... :'-(
banci kaleng!! padahal aku udah bela-belain suka Muse...
padahal emang aku suka sih, abis lagu-lagunya enak.. ngerock semua :-)

baiklah aku miikkaannn aja... mikan a.k.a ? hahaha

sunday morning, october 3rd 2010 10:12 AM (GMT+07:00)

tau gak?
komik yang dila bikin buat dilombain ke dinkes HILANG GARA-GARA PEELEN!
semalem aku mimpi caspoly lagi
T_T kenapa sih harus caspoly lagi aku tuh udah benciiiii banget sama dia!!

friday night, october 8th 2010 7:37 PM (GMT+07:00)

FUUUUHH... UTS IS END!! Gapapa deeeehhh akuu dapet nilai 66 buat IPA (fisika-kimia)
lagian mikan juga dapet 60! wah wah ... parah deh rani dapet nilai tertinggi! dapet 88!
peserta didik SMPIT kelas VII angkatan 2010-2011 nilainya rata-rata jelek semuaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
dasar payah!
WAH SENENG BANGETT!! TAPI.. aspek bilangan bulat 80, pecahan 78, aljabar 90! rata ratanya 83 :)
wah wah aku seneng banget...
setelah lima hari berturut-turut ga boleh nyentuh kompi.. akhirnya aku bisa buka kompi dan nulis lagi..
tau gak?
sejak minggu malam sampe kamis malam mikan dateng ke mimpi aku teruss...

Saturday morning late, october 9th 2010 11:16 AM (GMT+07:00)

it is luk like hard... but caspoly come gain 2 my dreaaammmee!!!
sum times im dreaming about if mikan be my BOYFRIEND
although thats impossible
setiap aku punya, pasti di serobot sama orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab =="
examp: kaka setanrat rebut caspoly dari aku yang udah tiga tahun lebih sayang sama caspoly
dan sekarang fairuz qisti mau ngerebut best friends aku??? dila alira rani??

saturday morning, october 16th 2010 11:16 AM (GMT+07:00)

senengggggg bangggeeeetttttttttttttt....!!
masa aku jadi suka the prince a.k.a ???
Apa bener prince love me??????? i don't know, sorry....!
skor UTS kemaren :

math pecahan 78 bilbul 80 aljabar 90 skor total 83
eng 82 100 skor total 91
arab 92 80 skor total 86
IPS skor total 93
bahasa -belum keluar-
seni skor total 77
PKn -belum keluar-
IPA [kimia fisika] 72
de el el

wednesday morning, ied qurban november 17th 2010 9:39 AM

met idul qurbaaannnnnnnn!!! yah, walaupun tanpa ayah tercinta
semalem... gw liat caspoly lagi. sial-sial
i don't know what i must say now, because i can't choose each other.
yea, they're keith, 'princess', and yea, caspolly

tapi... jujur, aku suka dia dan aku suka puisinya robert burns
yang satu ini


by: Robert Burns (1759-1796)


, MY Luve's like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June.
O, my Luve's like the melodie,
That's sweetly play'd in tune.


As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in luve am I,
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.


Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun!
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.


And fare thee weel, my only luve,
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!

yaaaahhh... my fav poem... tapi, liat dulu laah puisiku yang
juara 1 di se ko lah kemareeenn

“Jiwaku Untukmu”

Kuambil langkah seribu
Keberanian kugenggam erat
Tak peduli darah mengucur
Aku melawan sakit

Satu peluru melekat di bahuku
Seribu keberanian kumiliki
Akan kurebut tanah airku
Akan kubuat negeriku merdeka

Berkibarlah merah putih
Nyanyikanlah Indonesia Raya
Terbanglah tinggi, wahai Garuda
Kami di sini mendukungmu

Satu peluru menembus dadaku
Darah mengucur deras
Aku melawan sakit

Kutatap angkasa raya yang membiru
Pancasila kujunjung tinggi
Maafkan aku, wahai negeriku
Tuhan memanggilku

Langit menghitam
Keranda diusung menuju liang lahat
Jangan bersedih
Jiwaku masih di sini

Darah perjuanganku mengalir di tubuhmu
Kebahagiaanku melekat di hatimu
Jangan bersedih
Aku ada untukmu

keren kaann ;) (sok cool mode on... kebiasaannn..)

billy brown billy brown... lagunya 'seremm'
berbicara tentang billy brown yang -mencintai pria lain-
oooh.. this is songs of MIKA, Billy Brown

"Billy Brown"

Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life.
Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife.
While it was all going according to plan
Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man.
He met his lover almost every single day
Making excuses through his (dodly) holiday
(Unto religion that he said and duty found
They didn't know his faith was (earthlic) bound)

Brown...Oh Billy Brown.
Don't let the stars get you down.
Don't let the waves let you drown.
Brown...Oh Billy Brown.
Gonna pick you up like a paper cup.
Gonna shake the water out of every nook.
Oh Billy Brown.

Oh Billy Brown needed a place, somewhere to go.
He found an island off the coast of Mexico
Leaving his lover and his family behind.
Oh Billy Brown needed to find some peace of mind.
And on his journey and his travels on the way,
He met a girlie who was brave enough to say,
When they made love he shared the burden of his mind.
Oh Billy Brown you are a victim of the times.

Brown...Oh Billy Brown.
Don't let the stars get you down.
Don't let the waves let you drown.
Brown...Oh Billy Brown.
Gonna pick you up like a paper cup.
Gonna shake the water out of every nook.
Oh Billy Brown.
Brown...Oh Billy Brown.
Gonna pick you up like a paper cup.
Gonna shake the water out of every nook.
Oh Billy Brown.

Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life.
Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife.
While it was all going according to plan
Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man

sumpeh , ngebayanginnya aja udah -seeerrrreeemm-

naaahhh, ini cerita yang mau aku pake buat
tes seleksi pembinaan bahasa inggris di sekolah (SMPIT RJ)

judulnyaaa... The Leap-Frog (padahal belom hafal!)

the leap-frog

This miniature fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen is so short that it’s almost an anecdote, but although it’s small, it’s perfect in it’s own way.

Three animals have pretentions to jump above their stations in life and marry a princess. They all think that they have a grand and high society manner, but only one of them really understands that a little humility can go a long way in life.

Read by Elizabeth. Duration 6.30. Story by Hans Christian Andersen.

A Flea, a Grasshopper, and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and everybody else besides to come to see the festival. Three famous jumpers were they, as everyone would say, when they all met together in the room.

“I will give my daughter to him who jumps highest,” exclaimed the King; “for a competition without a prize would not be so amusing.”

The Flea was the first to step forward. He had exquisite manners, and bowed to the company on all sides; for he had noble blood, and was, moreover, accustomed to live close to human beings; and that makes a great difference.

Then came the Grasshopper. He was considerably heavier, but he was well-mannered, and wore a green uniform, which he had by right of birth; he said, moreover, that he belonged to a very ancient Egyptian family. The fact was, he had been just brought out of the fields, and put in a cardboard box.. “I sing so well,” said he, “that sixteen native grasshoppers grew thin from sheer envy when they heard me.

And that is how the Flea and the Grasshopper introduced themselves, and thought they were quite good enough to marry a Princess.

The Leap-frog said nothing; but because he said nothing, people thought he was all the cleverer. ; and when the housedog snuffed at him with his nose, he decided the Leap-frog was of good family. The old councillor asserted that the Leap-frog was a prophet; for one could see on his back, if there would be a severe or mild winter.

“I say nothing,” exclaimed the King; “but I have my own opinion, nonetheless.”

Now the contest was to take place. The Flea jumped so high that nobody could see where he went to; so they all said he had not jumped at all; and that he had cheated.

The Grasshopper jumped only half as high; but he leaped into the King’s face, and that was ill-mannered.

The Leap-frog stood still for a long time lost in thought; People began to think that he would not jump at all.

“I only hope he is not unwell,” said the house-dog; when, pop! he made a jump into the lap of the Princess, who was sitting on a little golden stool close by.

At this, the King said, “There is nothing above my daughter; therefore nobody should jump higher than her. But for this, one must possess understanding, and the Leap-frog has shown that he has understanding. He is brave and intellectual.”

And so he won the Princess.

“It’s all the same to me,” said the Flea. “She may have the old Leap-frog, for all I care. I jumped the highest; but in this world merit seldom meets its reward. Looks is what people appreciate now-a-days.”

The Flea then went to serve abroad in the army, where, it is said, he was killed.

The Grasshopper sat on a green bank, and reflected on worldly things; and he said too, “Yes, looks are everything. A fine appearance is what people care about.” And then he began chirping his peculiar melancholy song, from which we have taken this story; and which may, very possibly, be all untrue

daaahhh... ini dia kisahku yang 'ancuuur'

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Saya adalah manusia, cita cita saya adalah mensupermutasi manusia menjadi super gila dan mengirimnya ke planet makhluk hijau berbaju tak bercelana yaitu planet 51